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algemeen:commissies [2016/09/14 21:15] – Fix en: links rootalgemeen:commissies [2017/05/03 13:08] (current) – external edit
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-====== Committees within Scintilla ====== +
-===== What is a committee? ===== +
-Within a large association like Scintilla a lot of activities are placed with committees. +
- +
-The committee regularly holds [[algemeen:vergadering|meetings]] to reach their goal, which differs from committee to committee, where all members are suppossed to be present. +
- +
-Every committee has at least a [[algemeen:voorzitter|chairman]] and a [[algemeen:penningmeester|treasurer]], and often an [[algemeen:secretaris|secretary]]. The committee chairman keeps an eye on the state of affairs and leads the meetings, the committee treasurer takes care of the finances and the secretary makes the [[algemeen:notulen|minutes]] of the meetings. +
- +
-Every committee also has their own mailbox, where the [[algemeen:post|post]] is delivered. These mailboxes can be found at the closet next to the door. +
- +
-The specific goals and pursuits of a committee are formulated in the [[algemeen:commissies:cib|Commission Establisment Decree]], which has to be signed by (a part of) the committeemembers. +
- +
- +
-===== Committees within Scintilla ===== +
-Click for a short description, which can be read by everyone...+
 ==== Running committees ==== ==== Running committees ====
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   * [[algemeen:commissies:scala|SCALA]]   * [[algemeen:commissies:scala|SCALA]]
   * [[algemeen:commissies:scrapheap|Scrapheap Challenge Elektrotechniek]]   * [[algemeen:commissies:scrapheap|Scrapheap Challenge Elektrotechniek]]
 +  * [[algemeen:commissies:secs|SECS]]
   * [[algemeen:commissies:shock|Shock]]   * [[algemeen:commissies:shock|Shock]]
   * [[algemeen:commissies:sjaarscie|Sjaarscie]]   * [[algemeen:commissies:sjaarscie|Sjaarscie]]
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   * [[algemeen:commissies:spock|Spock]]   * [[algemeen:commissies:spock|Spock]]
   * [[algemeen:commissies:src|SRC]]   * [[algemeen:commissies:src|SRC]]
 +  * [[algemeen:commissies:ssc|EE Sports]]
   * [[algemeen:commissies:stoel|StOEL]]   * [[algemeen:commissies:stoel|StOEL]]
   * [[algemeen:commissies:stores|STORES]]   * [[algemeen:commissies:stores|STORES]]
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   * [[algemeen:commissies:verhuizing|Verhuizing]]   * [[algemeen:commissies:verhuizing|Verhuizing]]
   * [[algemeen:commissies:voorlichting|Voorlichting]]   * [[algemeen:commissies:voorlichting|Voorlichting]]