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templates:homepage [2016/11/03 13:36] – [Important information for every active member] link to IT fransdtemplates:homepage [2018/04/18 08:24] (current) root
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-===== ETSV Scintilla Wiki ===== +===== Old ETSV Scintilla Wiki ===== 
-Welcome to the Wiki of the student association for electrical engineering, E.T.S.V. Scintilla.+Welcome to the old Wiki of the student association for electrical engineering, E.T.S.V. Scintilla
 +The new wiki can be found at: [[https://wiki.scintilla.utwente.nl]].
 The list below includes all committees and societies of Scintilla.Each of these committees and societies has its own 'namespace' and they can do whatever he/she wants within it. This list of committees and societies as well as the information regarding who is a member of these groups is automatically updated with the information from SMART III, the membership administration. If you think that something is not right, please contact the Internal Affairs Board Member. He/she can adjust it for you. The list below includes all committees and societies of Scintilla.Each of these committees and societies has its own 'namespace' and they can do whatever he/she wants within it. This list of committees and societies as well as the information regarding who is a member of these groups is automatically updated with the information from SMART III, the membership administration. If you think that something is not right, please contact the Internal Affairs Board Member. He/she can adjust it for you.
  • templates/homepage.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/04/18 08:24
  • by root